Outdoor Warning System
Pacific County Emergency Management Agency
AHAB sirens
Pacific County uses the All Hazards Alert Broadcast (AHAB) siren (below) for it’s outdoor warning system. These sirens are intended to act as an OUTDOOR alerting method for people and communities on/near the beach who may not otherwise have access to other official alerting methods. They have an audible range of approximately 1 mile, though this varies depending on environmental factors like topography, wind direction, and physical barriers. The sirens are not intended to be heard indoors. There are currently twenty-three sirens spread throughout the county as shown on the AHAB Siren Locations map (right).
The sirens are tested on the first Monday of every month at noon. The procedure for the monthly test is for the sirens to sound the Westminster Chimes (click here to listen to what it sounds like) for ten seconds followed by a fifteen second verbal message stating it is a test of the siren warning system. The sirens are also tested once a year with the actual wail sound on the third Thursday in October in conjunction with the Great Washington ShakeOut. For this yearly test, the wail sound is followed by a voice message in English and Spanish explaining that it is only a test.
In actual events, the AHAB sirens will sound a constant wail tone (click here to listen to what this siren sounds like) for three continuous minutes, and will be followed by a verbal message in English and Spanish instructing listeners to evacuate immediately to high ground.